As December was the last post, it's kind of hard to know how to fill in the gaps, with life here in the last few months. I guess a few paragraphs might pull it all together.
Georgia & Jamie
Both getting on very well at Westminster School. Georgia is in year 7 which effectively means the last year of junior school. Had she stayed in the UK she would now be in her first year at secondary school (Chancellors). She has grown in confidence for sure and has even played in the school netball team. She is not so keen on PE so to even contemplate playing in a school team is a real step forwards. She loves Art and attends choir, dance and gym. Her grades were excellent last year. She is 13 next birthday so we are definitely starting to experience the start of the terrible teens.
Jamie spends far too much time on the play station and the laptop. Even when his mates come round, first thing they do is fire up the PS3. I guess boys are boys the world over. This term he's been playing cricket, with pads, helmet and gloves. He also featured in the 400m even among a few others on the school sports day recently. Can't wait 'til next term when he starts playing football again, not the Aussie rules version. Surprisingly applies himself well to his homework. Gets it done as quickly as he can so he can get on and play.
Georgia has returned to scouts, which is excellent and I feel is really good in building her confidence and people skills. Jamie sadly currently refusing to go to scouts saying he was bullied there before. I was a helper there last year and didn't see any evidence of that. I think it's more that he doesn't have a close friend to go there with him. Still misses Hadley and Archie from BP.
Sensaslim solution - the business investment
I mentioned the launch of this we attended in the gold coast last November. It's out there now and we have got it stocked in around 20 stores in our area. we are meant to have established 50 by the launch, but that would have been with the help of an ad campaign and a lot of launch publicity. Neither of these have happened, which has of course affected retailer confidence in the product. We have made sales but anxiously await the full TV and Press campaigns starting in April.
The good news is that Debi and I have been appointed State Managers for SA. In the future this may mean greater opportunities and income if we can help develop all the sales here in SA with all the other areas. It's tough however, as I have to work on Sensaslim as soon as I get home in the evenings and Debi has to try and sell the product into stores between her activities. I won't go into all the challenges we have faced so far. Let's just say it's a new product launching for the first time worldwide and it has not been a smooth process. There have been many teething problems. We are however excited at the months ahead as it does seem like we have now turned a corner.
Phil Hoffmann Travel
Work for me there continues to go well. Its a great firm with many nice people in the team. I am involved with the Marketing team, Sponsorship, our website maintenance and development, our online booking capability and also many ongoing projects both large and small. its keeping me very busy, but I still manage to put my hand up to attend those networking events and functions. I still enjoy a bit of banter and a few bevvies. Some things will never change.