Saturday, February 28, 2009
Rotary Club, KG and the General
Last Wednesday I was invited along to the Rotary Club of Adelaide. My first ever Rotary club meeting anywhere. Just never had the opportunity to get involved. This club meets weekly, every Wednesday and the lunch is just a prompt 1 hour. Being held right in the city centre means they get a lot of business people attending. The fact the venue is also quite prestigious is an added bonus. In the picture here are my new boss the Phil Hoffmann Travel CEO Peter Williams and Marketing Manager Joanne McLaren.
Just before this we had attended a quick meeting with a revolutionary new Internet TV sports show, on live Mon - Fri 3-6pm. We are just confirmed as one of the main sponsors and it will be very exciting to see this launch next week, and be a part of a new medium in sports broadcasting in Oz let alone South Australia. KG is a bit of a sporting icon here a bit like our own David Coleman or John Motson. We are of course looking at all sorts of ways to help their show, but also bring a new audience and clientele to our website. Check it out -
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
The Coopers KI Cup
The title of this blog will mean nothing to most of you. For me it was my first real taste of corporate hospitality down under. Let me start with the title. Coopers is THE best South Australian family owned Brewery. I have found their Coopers Pale Ale to be my favorite beer over here.
KI stands for Kangaroo Island - famous for its
beaches, unspoilt scenery and abundant animal life. Put the two together and you have a festival of horse racing and excellent entertainment. We were picked up in the city by coach and then caught a ferry over to KI. There were 6 races in all and we were hosted by Sealink in their own hospitality tent, with beer, wine or fizzy on tap all day. Needless to say I was down on the betting front, but way ahead in the beer stakes. Met many new trade contacts and had a great day all round. My thanks to great hosts Sealink. Must be an offshoot of the old English Sealink ferry company I used to work with years ago
I travelled with the Directors PA Dee who knew the format and had arranged for us to fly home in a 30 seater plane, just 20 mins rather than the coach, ferry, coach return of circa 3 hours. We just took in one day but the whole racing festival was over 4 days with street parties and live bands. Maybe next year eh!
Monday, February 9, 2009
Bush Fires in Victoria

I got a few Skype messages today asking if we were OK, or anywhere near the terrible Bush Fires in Victoria. Mercifully we are over 10 hours drive from the afflicted area, but it rams home the seriousness of the combination of drought conditions, extreme heat and hot winds, all of which we have experienced here in recent weeks. The hottest spell in many years.
The pictures we've seen on telly are devastating, I can't imagine what those poor people are going through. At work today, my company Phil Hoffmann Travel announced they would divert $1,600 meant for an office party into funds for the afflicted. All staff have also volunteered to give blood, with the burns victims in mind. I wanted to give blood too, but am unable as I am a Brit in Oz, and only Nationals, can donate. It's like I'm quaranteened, or a mudblood like Hermione Granger in Harry Potter. On Friday, we'll have a casual day, when staff have to contribute a few dollars to the relief funds in return for a sausage sizzle at lunch time. (A controlled BBQ!)
Strict bans are in place here too. The Grass, bush and trees are all tinder dry and the Fire Brigade and CFS are regularly patrolling areas, as the risk of arson in particular is so great. We are living in a "semi risk" area so have to be aware of a 10 point plan to protect the home and people. Sirens do sound in this area whenever a fire brigade is called out locally. We are then meant to seek more information on local radio, telly or at info centres.
The pictures we've seen on telly are devastating, I can't imagine what those poor people are going through. At work today, my company Phil Hoffmann Travel announced they would divert $1,600 meant for an office party into funds for the afflicted. All staff have also volunteered to give blood, with the burns victims in mind. I wanted to give blood too, but am unable as I am a Brit in Oz, and only Nationals, can donate. It's like I'm quaranteened, or a mudblood like Hermione Granger in Harry Potter. On Friday, we'll have a casual day, when staff have to contribute a few dollars to the relief funds in return for a sausage sizzle at lunch time. (A controlled BBQ!)
Strict bans are in place here too. The Grass, bush and trees are all tinder dry and the Fire Brigade and CFS are regularly patrolling areas, as the risk of arson in particular is so great. We are living in a "semi risk" area so have to be aware of a 10 point plan to protect the home and people. Sirens do sound in this area whenever a fire brigade is called out locally. We are then meant to seek more information on local radio, telly or at info centres.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Summer Holiday is over!
<<<<< Charlie meets the locals...
The heat here is of course the absolute reverse of the UK right now. As it happened every day this week, Georgia and Jamie have been taken off to a local swimming pool by the school in a coach. Surprisingly enough, Both Georgia and Jamie are in their respective top swimming groups. Who said these Aussies are born in the pool and are Olympic Champions in the making!! Debi is very proud of all those hours spent sweltering at Potters Bar Pool, whilst G&J did their widths/lengths and got hammered by the instructors.
Not sure when the Aussie Summer is actually over, but I guess we'll soon be moving into Autumn. All the fields are burnt brown, not much greenery around other than the hardy Gum Trees and other Perennial trees I know not the names of. I hear reports of forest and bush fires in Victoria (Melbourne) and massive floods in Queensland (Cairns). Boy we could do with some of that excess water here in South Australia. Oh for a very long pipeline, any investors out there?
Debi's try Golf
With the kids being back at school, Debi has started her "try Golf" at Blackwood Golf Club. They only did introductory putting and a few swings and hits at the end of the session, but it was over 40c so I guess it was just "a warm up" session. Four of these sessions and all the ladies will get let loose on the rest of us poor souls...Debi says she did enjoy it, but most of the ladies were a lot older than her (she still thinks she is a young chick). She did comment on the water running down the back of her legs while trying to learn golf, or shall we say sweat. But she will get out there next week regardless and give it her best. Will she take it up? Not sure, maybe if it was 6 holes, a lot of banter and a glass of wine or few?
Remember getting told off by a teacher at primary school?
Jamie admitted he had to report to the head teachers office this week. Supposedly he and his mate Lewis, had picked up a stick each (supposedly to build a cubby house ....) and before they could drop them were sent to the heads office for a show down Stick gathering is not allowed, and Jamie got a "row" in his words. The following day the punishment was no outdoors playtime. The Twig gathering is not allowed, as pre-christmas a girl got struck by a twig (sorry branch) and some blood was drawn.
First milestone at work
We launched the new Phil Hoffmann Travel Website at work. I was drafted in to help get this delivered, so many late nights recently, a bit of push and shove, a whole lot of tweaking and voila last Wednesday the new site is launched, featuring 6 various online booking engines - Flights (Domestic Oz & International), Holiday Packages from Oz, a Dynamic Holiday Package engine, 2 Hotel booking engines, (Oz Domestic & International) and a Cruise link. Soon to come will be Insurance, Car Hire and online contributions to the PHT (Phil Hoffmann Travel) Honeymoon and Special Occasion Gift Registry. (Now anyone out there wanting to contribute to my special occasion later this year (50th) - don't you go trying to make a donation to my holiday fund.....)
If you work in the trade and have any interest in seeing the site and what PHT do, here are the site details . Not the finished article by a long shot, but then Rome wasn't built in a day.
First Aussie Travel Trade Show
Well my first anyway. It is on this weekend, at the Adelaide Convention Centre. I have to say I was mightily impressed with all the work that has gone in recently to this big public Holiday show. To then see it all come together on the day was very impressive. All staff have to attend this weekend, but as I'm not front line sales staff, nor had the opportunity yet to show what I can do in presenting skills, I was lucky to have a free "roaming" role. As incognito I was able to get around various other competitor stands to see and experience what they are all up to. I was also able to put in practice my networking skills, honed to perfection over many years at various salubrious and many up market UK Travel Trade Events. Indeed it was great to be back in this field, as it is definitely one of the perks of any job. One just has to stay as long as possible in the bar, and talk to as many people as possible. Someone's got to do the job.... Indeed at the after show drinks, our Cruise Manager Christa, noticing I'd been to the bar more than a few times, mentioned that I surely wasn't driving home. No indeed I said. Luckily enough, or by remarkable foresight from an experienced networker, the Adelaide train station was just 5 mins walk away with a direct train home every hour. Some things never change....
Of Mice and Men
Some of you will remember the epic story of Debi at our Brookmans Park rental before we came here. Basically, I was out for the night, and late on Debi was in bed and heard a lot of crashing an banging from downstairs. It didn't stop and she feared an intruder was in the house. To cut the long story short, she called the Police, who turned up at 2am, 5 squad cars lights flashing. Circled the house, broke their way in and found nothing. Debi came down sheepishly. They heard the noise again - coming from the hall cupboard, bang, bang . A brave officer opened the hall cupboard door slowly...... there was the culprit. A little mouse, trapped in mouse trap by his ear, trying to shake it off and wrapping trap against a pipe!!!
Well we have mice again, they've been keeping us company these last few days. If it was possums, they have to stay as they are now protected, although they can do as much damage to the wiring as mice and rats. The pest control officer came out and we have now got his card as I'm sure we will need to call him back out - for either of ; Snakes, Mice, Rats, Redback Spiders and all sorts of other creepy crawlies they get about here. Every night Debi and Georgia check in their beds and outside, I have to say I'm starting to too, just checking the pillows or cushions before settling down for a read, relax or bevvy.
Charlie has now swam in the pool. Debi felt he should get in and be shown how to swim around and find his way to the steps, in case he feel in anytime and we weren't around. He did great and I'm sure we now have not seen the last of him in the pool....
Talking of which the pool is absolutely steaming. It is seriously like a hot bath, as the solar panels have been full on, with weather continually over 35 and mostly over 40c these past couple of weeks. It's a strange feeling swimming in a bath, almost being warmer in than out.
Not sure when the Aussie Summer is actually over, but I guess we'll soon be moving into Autumn. All the fields are burnt brown, not much greenery around other than the hardy Gum Trees and other Perennial trees I know not the names of. I hear reports of forest and bush fires in Victoria (Melbourne) and massive floods in Queensland (Cairns). Boy we could do with some of that excess water here in South Australia. Oh for a very long pipeline, any investors out there?
Debi's try Golf
With the kids being back at school, Debi has started her "try Golf" at Blackwood Golf Club. They only did introductory putting and a few swings and hits at the end of the session, but it was over 40c so I guess it was just "a warm up" session. Four of these sessions and all the ladies will get let loose on the rest of us poor souls...Debi says she did enjoy it, but most of the ladies were a lot older than her (she still thinks she is a young chick). She did comment on the water running down the back of her legs while trying to learn golf, or shall we say sweat. But she will get out there next week regardless and give it her best. Will she take it up? Not sure, maybe if it was 6 holes, a lot of banter and a glass of wine or few?
Remember getting told off by a teacher at primary school?
Jamie admitted he had to report to the head teachers office this week. Supposedly he and his mate Lewis, had picked up a stick each (supposedly to build a cubby house ....) and before they could drop them were sent to the heads office for a show down Stick gathering is not allowed, and Jamie got a "row" in his words. The following day the punishment was no outdoors playtime. The Twig gathering is not allowed, as pre-christmas a girl got struck by a twig (sorry branch) and some blood was drawn.
First milestone at work
We launched the new Phil Hoffmann Travel Website at work. I was drafted in to help get this delivered, so many late nights recently, a bit of push and shove, a whole lot of tweaking and voila last Wednesday the new site is launched, featuring 6 various online booking engines - Flights (Domestic Oz & International), Holiday Packages from Oz, a Dynamic Holiday Package engine, 2 Hotel booking engines, (Oz Domestic & International) and a Cruise link. Soon to come will be Insurance, Car Hire and online contributions to the PHT (Phil Hoffmann Travel) Honeymoon and Special Occasion Gift Registry. (Now anyone out there wanting to contribute to my special occasion later this year (50th) - don't you go trying to make a donation to my holiday fund.....)
If you work in the trade and have any interest in seeing the site and what PHT do, here are the site details . Not the finished article by a long shot, but then Rome wasn't built in a day.
First Aussie Travel Trade Show
Well my first anyway. It is on this weekend, at the Adelaide Convention Centre. I have to say I was mightily impressed with all the work that has gone in recently to this big public Holiday show. To then see it all come together on the day was very impressive. All staff have to attend this weekend, but as I'm not front line sales staff, nor had the opportunity yet to show what I can do in presenting skills, I was lucky to have a free "roaming" role. As incognito I was able to get around various other competitor stands to see and experience what they are all up to. I was also able to put in practice my networking skills, honed to perfection over many years at various salubrious and many up market UK Travel Trade Events. Indeed it was great to be back in this field, as it is definitely one of the perks of any job. One just has to stay as long as possible in the bar, and talk to as many people as possible. Someone's got to do the job.... Indeed at the after show drinks, our Cruise Manager Christa, noticing I'd been to the bar more than a few times, mentioned that I surely wasn't driving home. No indeed I said. Luckily enough, or by remarkable foresight from an experienced networker, the Adelaide train station was just 5 mins walk away with a direct train home every hour. Some things never change....
Of Mice and Men
Some of you will remember the epic story of Debi at our Brookmans Park rental before we came here. Basically, I was out for the night, and late on Debi was in bed and heard a lot of crashing an banging from downstairs. It didn't stop and she feared an intruder was in the house. To cut the long story short, she called the Police, who turned up at 2am, 5 squad cars lights flashing. Circled the house, broke their way in and found nothing. Debi came down sheepishly. They heard the noise again - coming from the hall cupboard, bang, bang . A brave officer opened the hall cupboard door slowly...... there was the culprit. A little mouse, trapped in mouse trap by his ear, trying to shake it off and wrapping trap against a pipe!!!
Well we have mice again, they've been keeping us company these last few days. If it was possums, they have to stay as they are now protected, although they can do as much damage to the wiring as mice and rats. The pest control officer came out and we have now got his card as I'm sure we will need to call him back out - for either of ; Snakes, Mice, Rats, Redback Spiders and all sorts of other creepy crawlies they get about here. Every night Debi and Georgia check in their beds and outside, I have to say I'm starting to too, just checking the pillows or cushions before settling down for a read, relax or bevvy.
Charlie has now swam in the pool. Debi felt he should get in and be shown how to swim around and find his way to the steps, in case he feel in anytime and we weren't around. He did great and I'm sure we now have not seen the last of him in the pool....
Talking of which the pool is absolutely steaming. It is seriously like a hot bath, as the solar panels have been full on, with weather continually over 35 and mostly over 40c these past couple of weeks. It's a strange feeling swimming in a bath, almost being warmer in than out.
Workout Aussie style, sauvignan blanc in one hand and a weight in the other >>>>>>>>
Broadband ADSL at last.
Just got this running today with Telstra (Big Pond). The wireless router I got from Optus has been useless, only 50% uptime and painfully slow when you have a connection. Here is an example of Adelaide being a little bit of a backwater. Now I have to work my way out of the Optus contract as they clearly have not delivered a service. It's great to be surfing and flying around again. Don't take some things in the UK for granted my friends. They are about 18 months behind here in online matters.
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