Xmas Day was spent chilling in the morning then we spent 5 hours on the beach in the afty with friends Ashley, Andrew and kids Hannah and Louis (same ages as G & J). Boogie boarding, BBQ, Football, wine and beer, no pressure, a pretty relaxing way to spend XMAS day, no rushing around or pressure.
Georgia had her 11th b'day electing to spend it with friends Gracie (on the left) and Hannah around the pool followed by a meal at the Belair Hotel (likened to the Brookmans in stlye) with cocktails (non alcoholic) and then a good movie in PJ's. They were meant to bed down in the theatre room all together, but at 2am and 4am they decided they wanted to move to a bedroom as the little princess's were not comfortable enough. The Princess and the pea story comes to mind.
New years night we entertained 6 friends, who all live locally and all members of the golf club. A great night was had by all, Debi as always doing us proud on the catering front , and then taking over the Karaoke. Amazing how good you sound with a few swallies inside you. We played the video back next morning, what a shocker! It was well after 5 am we eventually got to bed.Music up full volume, dancing and singing to our hearts content. Next year however we'll need to tone it down as we'll have neighbours by then. We are the only occupied house on this new estate for several hundred metres. On 2nd thoughts - nah sod it. Lets make a racket, life's for the livin'.
On 2 Jan we welcomed an old travel trade friend Brendan Jones and his lovely wife Sharon. They stopped for 2 nights as part of their years round the world trip. What a great experience for them. We spent a lovely 2 days, thankfully over a weekend as I was back at work by now. We took in a visit to the McLaren Vale wine region and the Woodstock winery & Coterie for a leisurely lunch and wine tasting. We also showed them the beach at Brighton (with the obligatory bevvy at the beachside pub) before retiring home to play Texas hold em poker into the wee hours. Sharon is a real wildlife and animal lover. On one walk with Charlie we casually said you need to look up in the trees to have any chance of seeing a Koala (we hadn't seen one in over a year of walking this particular route), and guess what, no sooner had I said this than - bang there was a cuddly Koala perched on a branch right above us...
The Kids Summer holiday is now nearly over. They've been off since mid December and go to their new School Westminster on Wednesday. Georgia is well up for it, but now the day is aproaching is getting understandably nervous. Jamie is even more anxious as it is another move another year on. This school though we hope will be it, right through 'til leaving age. The opportunities for development at this school both academically and sportswise are immense. The facilities are amazing. I'm sure (I hope) after a week or two they will both have settled, made good mates and be off and running. That just leaves Debi and I .....