Well it's finally arrived. We had a 43c day last week (109F). It actually didn't feel too bad, as I went from the relative cool of the house in the morning, drove to work in my air conditioned car, worked all day in an air conditioned office and went home again with air con in the car. I did however venture out at lunchtime to see what all the fuss was about and walked down to the beach to check out the "sights". Guys I'm sure you get my drift. Ladies - I never said (or saw) a thing... It was hot, very hot, but it was a dry heat as I've mentioned before and actually quite bearable. I'm sure if you were sitting roasting on the beach or working outdoors I'm sure it would have been uncomfortable.
In the evening it was magnificent.
While the kids mucked about indoors, Debi and I sat out by the pool, with wine and just talked and hung out well past midnight, topless (easy guys - well I was anyway) and enjoying basking in the warmth. This was truly what it has all been about. Unbelievably, the very next day it swung back to the low 20's. I'm amazed at how different one day can be from the next. One big item missing is rain. It just hardly ever rains here, which is actually a major problem as many areas are experiencing major drought and water restrictions. We can only water plants on a Wednesday or Sunday after 6 for a couple of hours. Actually think its even numbered houses on a Weds and odd numbers on a Sunday or something like that - Debi will know - she's the boss.
This week we are back up in the late 20's , Monday it got to 32c. I went for a run on the Beach on the way home form work. From Somerton to Brighton Jetty and back, 1 mile each way. Won't tell you how long it takes me, just let it be said some people could probably power walk faster. Never was built for running. I leave more dents in the sand after my bulk has passed through than the shells on the Normandy Beaches at D Day.
Debi and the kids have been to the Adelaide Museum today, seemingly having a good time and tonight the kids are on a sleep over with friends. Debi is just out with Charlie at his dog class.
He's a bright spark you know, fluent in 3 things already. Nicking anything in sight, (particular fondness to Debi's knickers and designer shoes, anyone's sunglasses, the bog brush), keeping us up at night and barking at top volume when the kids are in the pool. As its so nice and warm again this evening we can't decide on another chill out by the pool in our own space, or actually taking the chance to nip out for a bite somewhere. There are a few decent restaurants nearby, but not buckets of choice unless you venture 15 mins or so down to the city suburbs or the city itself. Certainly haven't yet found any Curry houses to come even remotely near to the quality of the Methi or the Raj in BP. We are missing our weekly fix, although I have to say Debi does do a real mean curry. Way better than the Indian restaurants we've tried here. I remember an old saying "why go down the road for a cup of tea when there's half a hundred weight at home". Might have been referring to a different circumstance, but I'm sure it can be applied...
Just now back from our meal out. We took in the Rimini Cafe Restaurant, a mediterranean style affair. You have to pick your table, choose what you want, remember it (if you've ever eaten out with Debi - you'll understand what a challenge it is to remember the order and get it right) and then go to a counter and order all your food and drink, and pay for it up front. Madness. Wine is surprisingly not all that cheap so actually at restaurants you have the wierd sight of people bringing their own (BYO - y for your) wine out for their dinner. Of course I always forget, so we always pay the going rate...
When we got home, the kids were out, it was peacful and quiet, what did we do? Cracked open another wine and settled down to the evening news of Barack Obama's inauguration, 5,000 job losses in Oz, the Australian Tennis Open, and on flicking the channels, a piece of old home - "there's bin a murrderrr" - TAGGART, marvellous stuff.... Actually just finished off with a little (just a little) Malt Whisky. Debi had a Baileys. What do we say now - "JUST ONE FOR THE ROAD"...
1 comment:
Oh how we miss "one for the road!!!!"
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