Thursday, January 21, 2010

Port Lincoln to dive with the Great White Sharks

Port Lincoln is on the Eyre Peninsula some 650 kms or 8 hours drive away. Interesting to see the lay of the land, but can honestly say I won't be doing that journey again in a hurry. There are flights serving the route in 45 mins, so depending on budget , time and the reason for visiting, we'll not be back in a rush.

I'd bought the Shark Dive and 4 nights in a self Catering B&B type joint at a charity auction, so also not quite what Debi has been used to, but that was also part of the fun. The kids shared the room with us on a bunk bed, it was fine and the owners very friendly and helpful. We saw the aftermathe of the recent bush fire here - very frightening I would imagine. It burnt down some houses on the fringes of the town, hundreds of metres from where we stayed.

As for the dive itself, I travelled a further 3 hours by boat in exceedingly rough seas - all on board bar the Crew and me chundered . We waited a further 6 hours for the sharks to show, but nothin' doing. Went in the Cage to experience it, saw a few fish but nowt else. You will understand why none of us fancied going for a quick dip in the briny to relieve some of the boredum. 3 hours back which was better as we then started on the beers and were escorted home by a few dolphin.

We visited  a beautiful area called Coffin Bay, actually a coastal national park, with acres of pristine beaches, bush and trials for 4WD cars and Camping. We also went to swim with Tuna. Well I did, Debi and Georgia both deciding not to get their hair wet, and Jamie just getting his bum wet then thinking better of it. Understable really as the Tuna were very large and incredibly fast. However despite being in there with 100's of them, not one touched me.

All in all a nice break, seeing some new country and a major Tourist and Fishing port (Tuna, Oysters, Mussels). Of course we ate out every night, sampled the local wines and had several one for the roads, without having to hit the road...

<< Proof that Jamie did get in with the Tuna, even if it was only for a few seconds. Not sure who the baldy is on the left...enough blubber on him to float for days.

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