1 Dec 08
Charlie doing well getting very large. Went to a good BBQ on Saturday so all enjoyed and got a Girls night out this Saturday so that should be fun.
27 Nov 08
Talking about schooling - Jamie gets spelling and writing everynight, and maths, apart from Friday. He's still not as independent as Georgia yet. Went to see St John’s Grammar yesterday. It is only 10 mins drive from us, but as I followed the Tom Tom in the car, it took us all the way up into the Adelaide Hills and all the way round the Belair National Park. Lovely views but the journey took 45 mins so we were late, not too clever......
Anyhow lovely School but only have one place for Jamie, Georgia would not get into Year 7. So don’t know if we like the thought of that. Got a prospectus on another school called Westminster which would be about 20 mins away. It looks absolutely fabulous but is double the price and further away. Not sure what to do for the best. Leave them where they are, as the kids have now started to settle in Blackwood Primary, or leave them to year7 and start private then.
Went to my group outdoor exercise training class again today with Dean. Kick boxing yesterday and toning and cardio today. Must admit quite tough, but very enjoyable. One of the ladies there thought Dean and I were there from the police force. So Selwyn the guy that takes it has told us to wind her up and say we are from Scotland Yard. So I have been coming out with tall stories which has been funny. Thought it was a one session joke. But today he introduced us to the other group. Told them to all watch their step as we are from the police force Scotland Yard. We are laughing away, then I am thinking Ok so when is he going to tell everyone this is a joke. Might break it to them next week, not wanting them all to come to me asking for help in burglaries and muggings. All a good Laugh.
Had my first BBQ last night as we have now taken delivery of our new Barby. Very nice it was too.
Seemingly we are now in to snake season they all come out now. Arrchhhh! Sure we will be fine.
25 Nov 08
Dean is picking up his new car today, he needed a run around to get to and from work, and to his new Golf Club. The budget kept changing though and he's ended up with a brand new one. But hey ho!
All settling in well. Kids seem happy, though when I ask if you would like to go back or stay, they are not sure what to say. Think we are all still missing friends. Met a few here now so that helps. Charlie our dog, is getting big and very cheeky. Sure he was raised by a kangaroo the way he jumps down the stairs.
Weather very changeable here as still spring. Yesterday morning it was 19, in the arvo 26, then at night this major wind storm comes, which I quite like the sound of actually. Got our BBQ at last yesterday. So will enjoy cooking on that as the rental kitchen as lovely as it is, is well below normal height as the woman here is a short arse I believe. So my neck and back has been killing me as I'm constantly stooping in the kitchen.
23 Nov 08
Weather warming up again today which is nice. Kids back in pool. Has been a lot cooler this spring week. Should not complain as I know we have a lot of heat to come. Went on a lovely walk yesterday with Charlie to the Belair National Park, just up the road from us.
Got the Christmas tree up here now, feels very strange. Some of the houses really go for it here, very American that way, and some do nothing. The kids love it. One guy changes his display every day. One day the Santa is with the snowman. The next day he is on the chimney. Obviously takes it well serious. Met some more people now so that helps. Hard to believe we have only been here 3 months feels like ages. The house has started with a few problems on the retaining walls and hitting rock on the levelling, which can all be fixed but at an expense to us. The foundations and slab should be down before Christmas so that’s quite exciting. Then they break for holidays from the middle of December until Jan 12th so not much happening then. Kids are off for Christmas from the 12th of December for 6 weeks so I am sure they will enjoy that. Georgia is well excited as she can have a pool birthday party this year rather than it being freezing and dark.
They seem to be settling well and had a few friends over for sleep over’s. They do a lot of sport at school which they both enjoy.
Not sure what we are doing for Christmas. We may have some friends round with similar aged children, if they want. If not we will go down to the beach and walk Charlie; come back and chill by the pool getting drunk. Sounds good to me. We should get the BBQ next week, so that will be good. As this kitchen is below normal height and I have a constant pain in my neck stooping all the time.
20 Nov 08
Went to see Jamie’s teacher, as he has not been there long enough to do a report on him, she was training with the Navy for 3 weeks, so she only really got to know him for 3 weeks. Anyhow she is very nice and switched on. He unfortunately is in a class where the kids are a year or more older than him. Which I think is too much. He is on to free Library reading and his Maths is good. But writing a bit scruffy still, so working on that. So we have decided not to put him into the main building year 3 next year, he will stay where he is in year 2/3. Difference being in year 3 they are told a project or whatever then are expected to be independent. Where as where he is he will do year 3 work but be given more advice and assistance. I think that will be better for him, There is too much pressure when there is such a large age gap. So we will see. The teachers are on strike on Friday all unhappy about their pay. So what's new?
Bad system here though the government places you not the school, as in which school you go to, and they all have the same salary regardless of what they know or experience so no incentive to try harder unless that is your nature. Then after 7 years they are moved on even if they like where they are. Very weird. They seem a good bunch of teachers there though so we will see. And the schools ratings are good.
Georgia is doing well, and again is in a class with kids a lot older. They have 3 groups in one year. Her new little best friend is going to be 11 in December, where Georgia will only be 10. But I think she can handle it all right.
They had a great sports day, bit more fun than ours. All dressed up in team colours, with painted hair etc. They do a March then the health huzzle,which is a big aerobic work out to this loud funky music.
At Charlie’s dog class last night. Quite strict. But fun before and afterwards with all the dogs. It was his first real lesson, and he did very well. He is now 11k so growing nicely. Still a ball of fluff. Biting is calming down now. Which Jamie especially is glad of.
House front: Breaking some rock today, which has been found, and the foundations to go in before they break up for Christmas. So hopefully after Christmas ,well middle of Jan it will Zoom.
18 Nov 08
Been looking at cars today as need to get another one, now that Dean has work starting. Did a little Christmas shopping though hard to get my head round that. I will put up the tree soon. Saw a Koala going for a stroll down the path the other day, was wonderful, gave me a right buzz. They are quite elusive only probably coming out when not too much noise so nice to see.
Jamie starting to talk in a funny accent not sure what it is, Maybe Aus maybe American. Think they pick an accent up quick, but also maybe a part of trying to fit in I suppose.
At another Christmas Fair at the weekend in the blazing sun, well strange. We had Jack and Millie round. Jack is in Georgia’s class and well handsome, I have been trying to pair them up. But Jack was so naughty, Georgia has decided it is not the man for her. Quite agree though he is still cute. Don`t think she will want a boy friend for many years, but quite a good thing. Some of the kids are so advanced.
Jamie met a few more boys now so feels more settled so that`s nice. I am liking the school a lot more than I did. They seem to have a lot of fun there. But maybe too much, and not enough learning going on...
18 Nov 08 (a separate email)
We have had some wacky warm days and some cool days very up and down though still only Spring. Very hot to come I believe, but dry heat here so a lot better,not like Sydney which is humid.
Dean has a job starting in a few weeks also, one he wanted with a big travel group so that’s good. Dog is lovely Charlie, though big menace sometimes. Christmas seems well weird here, but have done some shopping today.
Our house has started to be built, may get the footings down before Christmas, and then of they go after the hols, 14th Jan. Hope to finish, next July-ish, a big ish we will see.
1 comment:
Dean - You did it!!!! Congrats. Love the blog - will now bookmark as favourites.
Outlook gloomy over here as you will well know - future very uncertain for a lot of businesses.
Hugely proud (and slightly jealous) of you guys starting a new life. Looking forward to the updates.
Played at Travolutions' 5-a-side (well I say played - I managed the team!) we got throught to the final beating Lastminute, LowCost Beds, Mondial only to get dicked int the final 6-0 - Virgin hols worthy winners.
Didn't do ABTA this year - prob wont do ABTOF - will will stick with ITT this year and that's about it.
You must be delighted with Redknapp! What a turn around - looks like B'ham might join you next yr.
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