First new job in 22 years
Concrete footings and foundations are now being laid, so we can now really get a feel for the plot and really start to imagine who the house will look. Can't resist driving by each evening to see what changes have happened since the previous day. In one week, all tools will be downed and nothing will happen until mid Jan when the building trade returns to work.
Well, I have now started work (on 1 Dec) with Phil Hoffman Travel, based in Glenelg the main beach resort of Adelaide. The journey to work is taking about 25 minutes, or 30 if a take the coast road, which has absolutely fantastic views of the city and coastline as I drop down out of the Adelaide hills on the aptly named Ocean Boulevard. I have had much worse journeys to work I can tell you... Am finding it tiring right now (Ahhhh bless) as the old grey matter is getting a thorough going over, after some time out of the fast lane.
Phil Hoffman Travel themselves have 3 main branches, with over 100 staff, Glenelg being the HQ. Among the main product lines are a retail agency, cruise agency, business travel, specialist groups and escorted tours. I have been taken on as Project Manager, with a special brief to deliver a number of projects and help grow the business and increase profits. It is a very challenging role, one with great potential and one I have been very lucky to secure. My new work email is and I would be delighted to hear from any trade associates who may see potential in linking up with Phil Hoffman Travel in any way. I am unable to go into any detail in this blog, as to specific projects I'll be working on as they remain confidential, in the public domain.
Windy days
Summer is officially here now, but it is still really windy most days, particularly in the evenings. Tonight is no exception, the wind is howling outside, setting a real wintry feel to the evenings as its a real cooling wind coming from the South. Supposedly, not normal for this time of year. It was a beautiful day earlier reaching 27 degrees in the city with clear blue skies. We were certainly expecting to have been able to sit outside in the warm summer evenings by now, but the evening winds have stopped that of late.
Blackwood Golf Club
I've joined now and have had several rounds up there now. I've met a few real nice characters and one of the key things I've noted is how family oriented it is. More as couples than kids, but all competitions are open to women and men. Most competitions are stableford, not medal rounds. Both ladies and Men's sections run together with tee times all mixed up for most competitions. They do have their own competitions of course, but it's amazing to see how integrated and well supported all functions are.
Debi will be taking a Ladies try golf in February where we hope she will improve her golf, with group lessons from the Club Pro as well as meet a crowd of ladies to play with and learn the game. About time the new clubs I got her last year will see the light of day!
House build
School Summer Holidays
Believe it or not at the end of this week, the kids school breaks up for the main 6 week summer holiday. Of course Georgia and Jamie are relishing the chance to have their 2nd Summer holidays of the year!! Debi is not so keen, as now I'm fully back in work mode, she will have little respite from finding things to fill their days.
Most of the other Mum's we've met so far are also out at work, so there's currently not so many people about for her to hang out with. I think this holiday period more than most, might see Debi missing her good friends back in the UK, we will see. We're now past 3 months here, which is one big milestone passed. I think 6 months and 1 year will also be key dates, to gauge how well we have settled. I'm sure Charlie seen here with Georgia will help to keep them all amused!!!
Cricket and Footy
Went to the Adelaide Oval recently to catch one
day of the Australia - New Zealand test. Was a good day out, if a little chilly with the wind (see above). Went with a guy called Hayden we've met, a professor from the Flinders University, along with 2 of his mates. Had a good day, it's a real nice ground to watch Cricket in. Have also just secured some tickets to the 20/20 series on 28 Dec, South Australia v Western Australia, looking forward to that.
Spurs have continued some form, reaching the Carling Cup semis and yesterday morning beating West Ham Away to continue up the table. Am still watching by live Internet streaming, which is really amazing technology, to think these games are being played on the other side of the world, and I'm picking them up with a wireless broadband connection and listening to the likes of Motty, Clive Tyldesley, Martin Tyler and Alan Smith as if I was back at home watching Sky sports or match of the day.
Round up
Debi's is enjoying her outdoor fitness class twice a week at the local Oval (sports field).
On Wed's nights, Debi takes Charlie our puppy Labradoodle to the dog training classes, which they both seem to get a buzz from.
In fact they all took part in last Friday nights Blackwood Community Christmas Pageant. Like the big one on the city recently, but this was local business's and social clubs, in a big long parade, ending with stalls and stuff for fundraising and a social afterwards.
Still going to the Seacliff Live Saving Surf Club on Sat afty's, at which Jamie got a little burnt on his face last week as we rushed there from his Cricket and forgot to slap on the old suncream. It was a cloudy day, but as they constantly remind us, the UVA here is so intense and we have to be so careful. We got this one wrong, but has served as another warning to us. 30 factor must be slapped on all exposed parts, whenever a prolonged time is expected outdoors.
Debi went out with a crowd of ladies last Saturday. They were all done up to the nine's and tottered their way on high heels into the Seacliff Hotel, down by the sea. Supposedly the inhabitants of the bar had never seen a sight like it. All eyes turned to the gaggle of 6 British women, who then proceeded to drink the bar dry. Me and 2 of the other Geordie lads, Ray and Andrew, got together to mind all the kids (safety in numbers) who played in a jacuzzi, fought, screamed, punched and kicked as is their way.
Have recently visited a couple of private schools here to get a feel for them, as Debi has alluded to in her notes recently. Probably not for next school year (starts here in late Jan08) but more likely from Jan 2010.
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